Title: Shihan
Name: Robert Dupuis
Age: 52
Martial Arts School: Tao Karate Club
Style(s): Tae Kwon Do
Rank: 5th Degree
Name: Robert Dupuis
Age: 52
Martial Arts School: Tao Karate Club
Style(s): Tae Kwon Do
Rank: 5th Degree
How long in Martial Arts: 32 years
Name of Tournament: Maine Martial Arts Challenge
Hobbies: Bowling, Hiking, Archery, and Knife Throwing
Favorite Movie: It's a Wonderful Life
Favorite Song: Spirit in the Sky
Favorite Food: All Foods
Favorite Out of State Tournament: Shihan Wayne Mello's Worcester Classic
Toughest Forms Competitor: Wayne Mello and Tony Fournier
Toughest Fighting Competitor: Andrew Johnson
Greatest Tournament: 2000 Elm City Karate Challenge
Martial Arts Goal: To become better everyday, mentally, physically, and spiritually
Biggest Accomplishment: His three children and watching them grow
Favorite Martial Arts Saying: Practice, practice, practice
Name of Tournament: Maine Martial Arts Challenge
Hobbies: Bowling, Hiking, Archery, and Knife Throwing
Favorite Movie: It's a Wonderful Life
Favorite Song: Spirit in the Sky
Favorite Food: All Foods
Favorite Out of State Tournament: Shihan Wayne Mello's Worcester Classic
Toughest Forms Competitor: Wayne Mello and Tony Fournier
Toughest Fighting Competitor: Andrew Johnson
Greatest Tournament: 2000 Elm City Karate Challenge
Martial Arts Goal: To become better everyday, mentally, physically, and spiritually
Biggest Accomplishment: His three children and watching them grow
Favorite Martial Arts Saying: Practice, practice, practice