How it works:
Earning Points: Competitors can earn points called "SMART points" by participating in specific martial arts tournaments, known as SMART rated tournaments. There are six of these tournaments. Competitors receive SMART points if they finish in the top four in their division at these tournaments. Competitors who attend a tournament but do not place may earn one point for their participation. No points are awarded for tournaments that took place before the competitor registered for the program, and no submissions will be accepted more than seven days after the tournament. Tournament Participation Requirement: In order to be eligible for the SMART State Martial Arts Championships, competitors must participate in at least three SMART rated tournaments during the year and place in the top four in their division. Year-End Championships: At the end of the year, the competitor in each division with the most SMART points becomes the Divisional Champion. Additionally, the top four competitors with the most SMART points in their respective divisions are invited to the SMART State Martial Arts Championships. The winner of this State Championship is declared the SMART State Champion. Point Values: 1st place in a tournament earns you 15 points. 2nd place in a tournament earns you 9 points. 3rd place in a tournament earns you 6 points. 4th place in a tournament earns you 3 points. Point Corrections: Competitors have up to 14 days from when points are posted to report any errors or corrections to the SMART Director at [email protected]. Age and Rank Changes: Competitors and their parents are responsible for informing the SMART Director at [email protected] if there are any changes in their age or martial arts rank. If a competitor moves up in age or rank before June 30th, they keep their existing points unless their points exceed the first-place competitor's points in the new division. In that case, they keep only the same number of points as the first-place competitor in the new division. There are some exceptions to this rule. If a competitor advances to black belt or turns 18 before the last SMART rated tournament, they will be moved to the appropriate division. If this happens after the last tournament, they'll stay in the same division they were in before. If a competitor moves up in age or rank after June 30th, they will continue to accumulate points in the division they were in before June 30th. If for some reason a competitor competes in a lower rank and/or age division, that competitor receives 0 points for the division that they are registered for or the division that they competed in. |
(207) 318-6921 |